ISSN : 2146-3123
E-ISSN : 2146-3131

Contribution of Balkan Medical Journal to the development and dissemination of medical science in the Balkans
Zafer Koçak1, Necdet Süt2, Mustafa İnan3
1Department of Radiation Oncology, Trakya University School of Medicine, Edirne, Turkey
2Department of Biostatistics and Informatics, Trakya University School of Medicine, Edirne, Turkey
3Department of Pediatric Surgery, Trakya University School of Medicine, Edirne, Turkey
DOI : 10.4274/balkanmedj.2018.3.0001
Pages : 223-224
Balkan Medical Journal is an institutional initiative designed to disseminate scientific knowledge produced by long-established human communities residing in the Balkan Peninsula. In this editorial, we aimed to analyze the relationship of Balkan Medical Journal with its scientific partners from the Balkans. A 5.5-fold increase in the number of articles submitted from the Balkans is a favorable indication for the future. Notably, the acceptance rate of articles from the Balkans has now reached 10.68%, however the citation rate of these articles highlights the importance of increasing the quality of research. Overall, our findings indicate the need to gain broader recognition especially in the Balkans and also other countries.
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