ISSN : 2146-3123
E-ISSN : 2146-3131

Koroner Kalp Hastalarında Damar Tıkanıklığı ile Serum Total ve Lipide Bağlı Sialik Asit Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişki
Selma Süer Gökmen 1, Gülseven Kılıçlı 1, Şendoğan Gülen 1, Fatih Özçelik 2, Atilla Birsin 2
1Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Biyokimya Anabilim Dalı, Edirne
2Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Kardiyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Edirne
Pages : 24-29


Objectives: This study was designed to compare serum total and lipid-bound sialic acid levels obtained from patients with and without coronary obstruction.

Patients and Methods: Serum total and lipid-bound sialic acid levels were determined in 42 patients (29 men, 13 women; mean age 58 years; range 32 to 75 years) with angiographically documented coronary obstruction and in 35 patients (22 men, 13 women; mean age 54 years; range 39 to 75 years) with no obstruction. Serum total and lipid-bound sialic acid levels were determined by the methods of Warren and Katopodis, respectively. The results were compared with the use of one-way ANOVA test.

Results: Serum total and lipid-bound sialic acid levels were significantly higher in patients with coronary obstruction (81.01±10.10 mg/dl and 33.59±7.00 mg/dl, respectively) when compared with those of patients with no obstruction (65.18±10.23 mg/dl and 25.28±7.40 mg/dl, respectively) (p<0.001).

Conclusion: The measurement of serum total and lipid-bound sialic acid levels may be useful in distinguishing between patients with and without coronary obstruction.

Keywords : Akut faz proteinleri; anjina pektoris/kan; biyolojik belirteçler; serebrovasküler hastalıklar/kan; goğüs ağrısı/kan; koroner anjiyografi; koroner arterioskleroz; koroner hastalık/kan;

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