ISSN : 2146-3123
E-ISSN : 2146-3131

Unusual Presentations of Actinomycosis; Anterior Abdominal Wall and Appendix: Report of Three Cases
Faruk Karateke 1, Sefa Özyazıcı 1, Ebru Menekşe 1, Koray Daş 1, Mehmet Özdoğan 1
1Department of General Surgery, Numune Education and Research Hospital, Adana, Turkey
DOI : 10.5152/balkanmedj.2012.377
Pages : 315-317


Background: Primary actinomycosis of the anterior abdominal wall and appendix are very rare clinical entities. An accurate diagnosis is generally obtained by histological examination, and treatment often requires surgical resection.

Case Report: In this study we presented two cases of primary actinomycosis involving the anterior abdominal wall and a third one located in the appendix.

Conclusion: Actinomyces Israelii can involve all anatomic structures of the abdomen. Although preoperative diagnosis is difficult, the combination of surgery and antibiotic treatment results in complete treatment in the majority of cases.

Keywords : Actinomycosis, abdominal wall, appendix

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