ISSN : 2146-3123
E-ISSN : 2146-3131

Apert Sendromlu Bir Bebekte Anestezi Sorunları
M. Cavidan Arar 1, Ayşin Alagöl 1, Gaye Kaya 1, Beyhan Karamanlıoğlu 1, Zafer Pamukçu 1
1Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Anabilim Dalı, Edirne
Pages : 110-112


A twenty-two-month-old infant who had a diagnosis of Apert syndrome during the neonatal period underwent surgery for inguinal hernia. The possibility of difficult intubation was considered and necessary measures were taken. Ventilation via a facemask was difficult due to face abnormalities. The patient was intubated successfully after induction with 3% isoflurane and intravenous 0.25 mg mivacurium. A detailed physical examination with regard to difficult intubation followed by implementation of necessary preparations may enable a successful intubation in patients with Apert syndrome.

Keywords : Akrosefalosindaktili/tanı/komplikasyon/cerrahi; aneztezi, inhalasyon; anestezi, intrakrakeal; entübasyon; sendrom; risk faktörleri

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