ISSN : 2146-3123
E-ISSN : 2146-3131

Beyin Damar Hastalığı Sonrası Gelişen Epileptik Nöbetler
Semra Şengün Karaçayır 1, Kemal Balcı 1, Yahya Çelik 1, Talip Asil 2
1Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji Anabilim Dalı, Edirne
2Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji Anabilim Dalı , Edirne
Pages : 127-134


Objectives: Evaluation of the frequency of epileptic convulsions in patients with cerebrovascular disease.

Patients and Methods: The data of 1273 patients with cerebrovascular disease, admitted within three years, were evaluated retrospectively. 160 patients (130 ischemic, 30 haemorrhagic) with epileptic seizures, developing after cerebrovascular diseases were included in this study. The association between the risk factors of stroke and seizure development, types of seizures, electroencephalographic findings, time distribution of seizures, types and localisations of lesions were evaluated. 640 patients with cerebrovascular disease, admitted to our clinic at the same time period, were included as control subjects.

Results: The ratio of epileptic convulsions within one month follow-up period was 12.6% for all patients during the three years follow-up. Multivariant analyses revealed that independent risk factors for convulsion were cortical localisation of lesions, infections and metabolic disturbances were in patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease and cortical lesions and infections in patients with haemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease. The ratio of convulsion was significantly higher in patients with total anterior circulation ischemic lesion.

Conclusion: Patients with cortical lesions and anterior circulation lesions had an increased risk for convulsions, and convulsions increased mortality. Most of the seizures in patients with cerebrovascular disease were of generalised tonic clonic type.

Keywords : Serebral kanama; serebral infarktüs; nöbet

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