ISSN : 2146-3123
E-ISSN : 2146-3131

Transvers Testiküler Ektopinin Geç ve Rastlantısal Tanısı
Süleyman Cüneyt Karakuş 1, İdris Ertaşkın 1, Naim Koku 1, Hüseyin Kılınçaslan 2, Hasan Deliağa 3
1Department of Pediatric Surgery, Gaziantep Children Hospital, Gaziantep, Turkey
2Department of Pediatric Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Bezmialem Vakıf University, İstanbul, Turkey
3Department of Pediatric Surgery, Servergazi State Hospital, Denizli, Turkey
DOI : 10.5152/balkanmedj.2012.080
Pages : 447-449


Transverse testicular ectopia is a rare malformation in which both testes are placed in the same inguinal region. Most of the patients are diagnosed incidentally during inguinal exploration. We here report three cases of transverse testicular ectopia and discuss the causes of delayed and incidental diagnosis of this infrequent malformation. Although the mean age at presentation was reported as 4 years, the mean age of our patients was 7.7 months.  We detected the contralateral testis in the inguinal canal in all of our patients preoperatively. The most important diagnostic criteria are to be aware of this rare malformation and getting suspicious in patients with one side inguinal hernia and an  empty hemiscrotum on the other side. It is essential to perform an ultrasound scan in patients with such a clinical presentation.

Keywords : Transvers testiküler ektopi, nonpalpabl testis, inguinal herni, orşiopeksi

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